

Membership Benefits

  • Free yoga classes and workshops
  • Free Kids Classes: Drama, Scripture reading, Chanting, Singing, Yoga, Instrument learning
  • Free Krishna Cooking Classes
  • Free  Bhagavad Gita Classes by senior Devotee
  • Free Srimad Bhagavatam Classes by senior devotee
  • Public engagement and the distribution of literature
  • Outdoor Chanting of the Holy Name
  • Deity Service and Pooja training
  • In person programs: Free Vegetarian meals
  • Tax Benefits for donation over $500
  • At home Yagna for auspiciousness
  • Host Program at your home with Senior devotees and Vaishnavas
  • Opportunities to meet and hear discourses from exalted personalities
  • Outreach: Karma Free Meals distribution

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